Where Parties Start

We work hard, we party SUPER harder! We recognize the hard work that each of our team members puts in and celebrate our WINS in every chance we get.

All-hands meeting

We recognize that every one contributes and plays a vital role in achieving the overall success of the team. Our All-hands Meeting gives us the chance to celebrate individual and team achievements, as well as company milestones, share updates and welcome new members to the party. As an organization, we value transparency and go to great lengths to ensure that the entire company stays on-top of our business key aspects.

Weekly check-in and Win Session

Our weekly check-ins are an avenue for the team to set and check status on weekly tasks and goals, both as individuals and as a group. As the week closes, we celebrate each other's win - big and small! This is a great way to boost morale within the team. After sharing the wins, it's time to party!

Good and New

What better way to start a new week than recognizing our accoplishments from the last one! Our Good and New session starts with a warm-up exercise and an appreciation-pass to each team member. This is our way of recognizing a job well-done and expressing our gratitude to those who have helped us fulfill our tasks. OPO to everyone!

Daily Stand-up

A 15-minute stand-up meeting helps every member of the team stay aligned and in-sync. We take a look at which tasks have been completed, what needs to be accomplished and identify potential problems that could hinder its progress. It is our way of making sure everyone is on the same page.

Game Nights

We love a good round of competitive (and fun!) game night! We believe that games teach important life skills that add to work value: good sportsmanship, strategic thinking, and creative ways to win! Nothing like a great run of Taboo Cards to reconnect everyone and heighten team spirit!

Seminars and knowledge sharing

We strive for continuous learning to improve and develop our team’s skill set. This is why knowledge sharing and joining seminars remain to be part of our brand essence. It builds vision, strengthens professional ties, and helps deepen one’s own knowledge through interactive sharing with the goal to grow as a team.


We love to connect and share our passion-ideas with partners - in person! Meet-ups are fun and efficient way to achieve this goal. It is a great way to build and strengthen good working relationships that would lead to better partnerships.

One-on-One Meetings

We value open communication and trust within our team. Our one-on-one meetings allow us a space for effective communication between team leaders and members. This is when we discuss specific issues, challenges, opportunities and ideas. Informed employees have more sense of involvement and ownership which results in job satisfaction and productivity.

Radio taiso and physical activities

A good stretch to welcome the week is all we need (among others!) Our Radio Taiso calisthenics warm-up exercises every Monday help jumpstart our brain and body for the daily grind.

OPO Awards

For every quarter of every year, we recognize an employee from each offices who exhibited exceptional commitment to the company's core values (OPO). To express the company’s appreciation, awardees will receive 1 additional paid leave and a dinner with the CEO, Mr. Yosuke Fukada.

Summer outing

We seek fun as a team! When the team cultivates a meaning relationship and connect with each other on a personal level, it benefits the business greatly. While every day work interactions allow team members to bond, company outings bring out a more genuine team connection as the more relaxed atmosphere allows one to truly act like themselves.

See more parties on our social media